Blue Jesus Tat

     Posted By: Paul - Mon Jun 15, 2009
     Category: Body Modifications | Tattoos | Religion

Rant Alert!

Christianity is not oppressive! People who call themselves Christians, that misrepresent the ideology of the Christian faith, that subject these misconceptions on others for the own purposes, they are oppressive. Sadly, many of these people don't even realize what they are doing because it was taught that way to them ("The Inquisition, what a show").

As with any ideology, it's usually a good idea until human nature is put into the mix. Communism is a wondrous idea, to help out your fellow man and have no fear of greed because we all share in what we have equally. That is until it is put into practice. Then we are all equal, but some of us are more equal and deserve more.

I know that you probably meant the person's personal ideology is oppressive Brent, but that is not at all how it came across. What you said seemed a bit oppressive to me. But I'm sure it's not.
Posted by DownCrisis on 06/17/09 at 08:58 AM
Brent, its all good. Sometimes we just have to vent when something hits us personally. I'm sorry that you had to run into people whod don't understand. The issue that I see is that too many of us just become whatever religion we are because our family is without question. Some break tradition to be hip, cool or just to rebel. Others (like myself) have been allowed to question what was presented and see if it was right. Now at least a decade and a half and a billion still unanswered questions later I found myself where I am now, back where I had started. Partially because it is familiar, partially because it does feel right to me.

If I had more time I'd go into some of my views, but I don't want to start any religious debates here. Seen them happen before, they're not pretty.
Posted by DownCrisis on 06/17/09 at 01:09 PM
Too many obsessions, not enough time. 😉 I stopped commenting for a while but didn't stop reading. Glad to see the Asylum is still OK now that the inmates are running it. 😊
Posted by DownCrisis on 06/17/09 at 11:59 PM
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