Busted by a tornado

A tornado recently ripped through the town of Kingsport, Tennessee, damaging homes and scattering belongings, including all the stuff that Jerrod Christian had in his home, allowing his neighbors to see it and realize that 'Hey, wait a second! That looks like our stuff that was recently stolen.'

One of Christian's neighbors said, "I kind of had suspicions, but you can't just accuse people without proof."

Christian is now locked up, awaiting trial. [ABC News]

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 30, 2014
     Category: Crime

Barney: "Not very Chris (wait for it....) tian!"
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/30/14 at 10:30 AM
Hopefully his defense attorney will not use the "Mother Nature did not have a search warrant" line.
Posted by RobK on 07/30/14 at 11:33 AM
Even animals are smart enough not to sh!t where they eat.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/30/14 at 07:36 PM
One thing about an outlaw biker clubhouse in your neighbourhood: They keep the local crime level down, and make sure the stuff they're boosting comes from other neighbourhoods. The last thing they want is attention from the neighbours.
Posted by Harvey on 07/30/14 at 08:07 PM
I'm sure he will be warmly welcomed back to the hood.
Posted by Gator Guy on 07/30/14 at 08:40 PM
Divine Retribution? :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 07/31/14 at 12:29 PM
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