Civic Pride

An AP story that circulated in July 1936:

OKLAHOMA CITY -- From Roscoe E. Dickson to the Chamber of Commerce came the following suggestion for putting Oklahoma City's civic pride on a concrete basis:

Every day, at an unannounced time, all fire sirens would start screaming simultaneously. Every citizen would stop whatever he might be doing, turn to the nearest person, vigorously shake his hand and say enthusiastically, "We're living in the finest city in the United States!"

The chamber took it under advisement.
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Mar 13, 2014
     Category: 1930s

I like the 'unannounced time'. So 3:00 AM would as common as 3:00 PM. I suppose Roscoe E Dickson was to head the Citizen's Commitee to enforce this bylaw.
Posted by BMN on 03/13/14 at 09:47 AM
Should have added 'firing guns into the air'
Posted by crc on 03/13/14 at 10:15 AM
@Crc: That's reserved for New Year's Eve.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/13/14 at 11:07 AM
The modern form of the ritual involves turning one's head in all directions and asking "Where's the tornado?"
Posted by tadchem on 03/13/14 at 11:22 AM
Well, it was in the middle of the Great Depression.
Posted by KDP on 03/13/14 at 02:20 PM
Bet it would have greatly increased the passing of illness. Way before the time if hand sanitizer!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/14/14 at 01:20 AM
@Patty - according to my father, they didn't have germs back then. It's a new idea along with expiration dates.
Posted by DebM on 03/14/14 at 10:32 AM
And the volunteer firemen would know it's not a real fire because . . .?
Posted by Phideaux on 03/14/14 at 02:12 PM
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