cycle 090211

More Things to Worry About

Michael Fenton went on a two-day drunk at an F State resort, and his family couldn't control him, and now that his swan dive from a grand stairway turned out badly for his brain function, he and the family want Marriott to pay for its bad bartending. Naples Daily News

Most delicious 2009 baseball player contract incentive clause: Tyler Walker, Seattle Mariners' pitcher, with an 8-12 won-lost record over the last three seasons, will get $150k when he's this year's AL MVP (and $100k if he's the World Series MVP for the sure-thing Mariners). Los Angeles Times

It says here that Kishore Gaba of India's Jharkhand state is on a mission to write out the name of his first love 2,000,000 times, as punishment for being too timid to ask her out when he was young ("and to teach a lesson" to other wusses), and he's up to 1,400,000 so far. Indo Asian News Service via (Chennai)

A 15-yr-old boy is no longer with us after he broke into a truck in Aurora, Tex., then ran for it when confronted by a neighbor, fell over a spiked fence, and bled to death. WFAA-TV (Dallas)

The mug shot says Potential Babe, but the rap sheet says severe bipolar with homicidal tendencies (tire iron, ax, etc.) [Ed.: But let me say on behalf of all men, sometimes ya can't help rollin' the dice, ya know?]. (Stuart, Fla.)

The Way The World Works: The defense contractor KBR Inc., under criminal investigation for shoddy electrical work that caused the deaths of two soldiers in Iraq, has just been awarded another contract, though it's in a different—oh, wait, it's also for electrical work. Associated Press via Yahoo

Giza Zoo, Cairo's largest, has substantial financial and regulatory problems, which have made it susceptible to employees taking bribes (basically, US$2 will do it) to let visitors step inside some of the cages (OK: elephants, bears, lion cubs).

Police said Thomas Ferkler is one of the more sophisticated burglars they've encountered, but all that expertise goes for naught when you consume your swag (Oxycodone) during the getaway and pass out with your car keys dangling from the trunk that holds the evidence against you. Philadelphia Daily News
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Feb 11, 2009

2 Day Drunk Good for him! Now what's this sh1t about blaming the bartenders?

Shoddy Work Not the 1st case of this. Kevlar helmets were shoddy so the same company got the next contract too. Typical pork during war time.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/11/09 at 01:01 PM
Potential Babe Speaking of which... Where's Patty today? It's her birthday(?) isn't it?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/11/09 at 01:04 PM
First Love - Good idea, that kind of relentless obsession is sure to make you a good role model for the youth of the nation, and who knows, maybe even net you a fine catch, yourself.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 02/11/09 at 01:10 PM
Really, aren't we all just a couple of stressful moments from being bipolar?

Patty, Natasha Henstridge is the actress' name and I agree with you on that. I also think Selma Blair would be too. There's some hetero-eroticism for ya!

Posted by DownCrisis on 02/11/09 at 11:05 PM
I dated a girl once who was bipolar. I'm pretty sure she was schizophrenic as well. Things where always very interesting.
Posted by Viceman48 on 02/12/09 at 05:19 PM
Never thought of it that way, patty, thanks. Sometimes it was like that.
Posted by Viceman48 on 02/13/09 at 01:06 PM
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