Death by Dishwasher

This is disturbing, but also definitely weird. Of all the possible ways to off yourself, why choose a dishwasher? Evidently some psychiatric issues were involved.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch - May 18, 1984

Woman Found Dead Inside Dishwasher
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — A woman was found dead inside her dishwasher, and police say they believe that she committed suicide.
The body of Carolyn Matsumoto, 25, was found about 1 p.m. Wednesday by her mother, said police spokesman Michael Holland.
Holland said the dishwasher's interior trays had been neatly stacked along with some personal effects next to the machine. The top-loading machine was activated automatically when the door closed.
The Alameda County coroner's office was conducting an autopsy.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jun 29, 2016
     Category: Death | Suicide | 1980s

Two things stand out for me:

1) The machine must have been ancient. The first machine my parents acquired in the mid 1970s was a well used top loader and it must have been more than ten years old. For 1984 the majority of machines I remember were front loaders.

2) The dateline is from "Berzerkeley". 'Nuff said about that.
Posted by KDP on 06/29/16 at 09:19 AM
She appararently wanted a "clean exit," but found the clothes washer's agitator wouldn't allow it.

But, yeah, Bezerkley – whatever.
Posted by Virtual on 06/29/16 at 12:22 PM
Wow, why would you even...blows my mind.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/30/16 at 12:51 AM
I've never had any experience with a top loading model, but if she was to try and kill herself in mine at home, she is going to need to be a contortionist who is very small framed and when she loads herself, she will need to be head down because the standing water is never more than a couple of inches deep.
Posted by GFinKS on 07/05/16 at 02:29 PM
What did the coroner say?
Posted by Dan on 07/10/16 at 04:26 PM
Coroner said, "She's all washed up." and "She had dishpan hands all over."
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/10/16 at 09:41 PM
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