doortodoor stockbrokers

Can't Possibly Be True: There's a company of door-to-door stockbrokers
(Bonus: They're hiring!) The average salesperson makes $65k/yr; they've been around since 1922; and they've been in trouble only once lately (for not disclosing that they get a fee for steering clients to certain mutual funds). And since they were almost totally into conservative investments, they didn't crash as badly as others did last year, and besides, the salespeople were ordered to call clients to apologize for the stock market's bad behavior. Still, you read it right: There's a company of door-to-door stockbrokers, and they're hiring. Wall Street Journal
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Jan 12, 2009

I wonder if they also offer 'door-to-door suicide assistance' for when the market crashes.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 01/12/09 at 12:49 PM
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