Follies of the Mad Men #49

[From Playboy magazine for October 1965.]

If you wear one of our sweaters, you'll look like a ridiculous chimp.

"Me Retailer, you Jerk!"

ADDENDUM: Reader Vern notes that the text ridicules the chimp as wearing an older, out-of-style sweater, while the man sports the manufacturer's sleek new model. That's a good point. Nonetheless, how convincing is the comparison, when the human's rival is a monkey?
     Posted By: Paul - Mon Dec 08, 2008
     Category: Animals | Business | Advertising | Products | Fashion | 1960s

Vern--excellent point: I'll make an addendum to the post.
Posted by Paul on 12/08/08 at 12:23 PM
Big Gary--noted! All I can utter is a heartfelt "D'oh!"
Posted by Paul on 12/08/08 at 12:38 PM
LOL, Monday's, heh, Paul? You can't win for losing.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 12/08/08 at 12:51 PM
Paul, isn't using "D'oh!" plagiarism on some level? 😖
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/08/08 at 01:18 PM
Expat47--nope, just homage and postmodern detournment!
Posted by Paul on 12/08/08 at 01:20 PM
I've had it with the blatant anti-monkite prejudice around here. We monkeys are not the same as apes, and we demand to be treated as equals. No, actually, we don't want that. I'd rather swing around in a big zoo all day that work in an office. Complaint retracted.4
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 12/09/08 at 12:51 PM
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