Freediving in Navy Tank

Freediving in Navy tank from Fredrik Naumann on Vimeo.

That is one weird swimming pool.
     Posted By: Paul - Tue May 25, 2010
     Category: Military | Swimming, Snorkeling, and Diving

Sailors do SSTTRRAANNGGGEEEE things for fun.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/25/10 at 11:39 AM
Has anyone else heard of breathing liquid instead of gas/air ? I think the navy did tests on this but found (besides the discomfort of the drowning feeling/reflex) that the liquid wasn't effective enough in removing CO2.
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/25/10 at 04:39 PM
Thanks DF for squeaking in that old post link. You really let the air out of my comment. 😜
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/25/10 at 06:24 PM
it was paul's post duke. good catch dumbfounded, i thought of that mouse too.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/25/10 at 09:38 PM
FYI-the tank is 15 meters, not 15 feet. It says so at the end when the person who made the video thanks someone for the 18 meter tank.
Cheers. :cheese:
Posted by jonnywanabe on 05/26/10 at 02:47 PM
don't feel bad kdp, i never pay sttention, its against my religion. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/27/10 at 03:33 PM
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