Mystery Illustration 26


What domestic problem is this couple undergoing? Halitosis? Bad coffee? Visit by mother-in-law?

The answer is here.
     Posted By: Paul - Sun Jul 24, 2016
     Category: Domestic | Advertising | Husbands | Wives | 1940s

I thought it was the chance for the couple to play Battleship on their own dining table. I recall playing the game with my brother the first time. When I called out I - 1 - he asked WHY? EYE ONE.
Ohhhh, I won.!
Posted by Greg on 07/24/16 at 10:22 AM
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Posted by ges on 07/24/16 at 11:49 AM
Obviously, she's just told him she's going to vote for a different candidate than he wants her to.
Posted by TheCannyScot on 07/24/16 at 12:50 PM
It's a PC monitor, and she's found his Internet browsing history.
Posted by Virtual on 07/24/16 at 11:23 PM
He's got to be reading the morning paper, probably the sports scores.
Posted by Fritz G on 07/25/16 at 07:08 AM
I think it's the breakfast choice. Time to see the answer.
Son of a B, I got another one right. I think that makes 2.
There was only two bowls of something. No coffee, no paper, no sugar bowl, no creamer. It had to be the breakfast choice.
Posted by GFinKS on 07/25/16 at 10:56 AM
He's upset because she wouldn't prepare a real meal with cooking involved. Like eggs, bacon and toast with real butter spread on it.
Posted by KDP on 07/25/16 at 01:26 PM
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