navel maniac

Professor Music's Weird Links
This ought to be Safe For Work, but still . . . ya might raise your eyebrow at a guy who has collected for the Internet, since 1999, photos of people's navels. Apparently, he roams Brussels, Belgium, with his camera, asking people to flash their belly buttons for him, and only half of 'em steer clear.
     Posted By: Chuck - Tue Jan 06, 2009

Apparently, my company doesn't think it's safe for work. Blocked as "obscene."
Posted by BikerPuppy on 01/06/09 at 11:47 AM
On the SURFACE there is nothing obscene.....but why would a person do something like this unless it was a sexual fetish?
Posted by AGFH on 01/06/09 at 11:55 AM
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