No Time for Ugliness

Imagine an idyllic era when the major problem cities faced was too much signage! And there are no foreclosure signs, even in the slums!

Yesterday's hell is today's paradise.
     Posted By: Paul - Sun Sep 02, 2012
     Category: PSA’s | Signage | Urban Life | 1960s

How quaint, no graffiti on the projects and children could play outside at midday without getting shot in a drive by. More innocent times indeed.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/02/12 at 11:55 AM
I'd be happy to see signs like the one at the gas station at 5:10 in part 1.
Posted by ges on 09/02/12 at 09:51 PM
I respect architecture and its goals, as expressed in this film set, but the first half reminded me of nothing so much as Adolf Hitler's "New Berlin", as conceptualized and rendered, at least in miniature, by his architect, Albert Speer. The concept was to build an entire new city on top of an existing one filled with the living, even moving the existing railroad stations. It was all to be centered around the grand "Hitlerplatz", of course, consisting of dozens of new and grandiose government buildings. The enormous central building, the Reichschancellory, was as far as they actually got built, before the war took its toll on the workforce and funds available, and before Berlin became target #1 for Allied bombs. But it was a site to behold. For a good idea of what this was, watch the movie, 'Inside the Third Reich', with Rutger Hauer, as a very tall Professor Speer. As is made very clear in the film, the entire concept was utter madness. The rest of this documentary was enjoyable, but I am still left with a sense of futility.
Posted by done on 09/03/12 at 10:30 PM
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