
These are the crime statistics for Portland, Oregon for 2006, the most recent ones found; murders 20, forcible rapes 293, robberies 1297, assaults 2262, burglaries 5485, theft 22,033, and auto theft 4478 per a population of 542,174. But there is another crime in Portland that has required an increased police presence. Portland P.D. is bumping up patrols around the Deering Oak Rose Circle in Deering Oak Park. There resides 600 rose bushes that are referred to by .the horticulture supervisor as ' a jewel to the city of Portland'. Apparently some 100 blooms have been 'poached' (picked?) by person or persons unknown this year. This is a substantial increase from last year. Therefore earning the above mentioned extra patrols. Keeping Portland safe one rose at a time.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 08, 2009

my most sincere apologies to one and all. i made a huge mistake on this post. this story comes from portland, maine not portland, oregon. i think portland and oregon comes right to mind, i just was not careful enough when reading the story. i promise to pay more attention in the future. :red:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/08/09 at 07:02 PM
We understand. You got flustered thinking about that naked dude speeding to your side.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/08/09 at 11:32 PM
ah, it's nice to be understood so well. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/09/09 at 12:23 AM
Every now and then I reach out and touch my feminine side. My wrists get limp, I mince my steps and lisp but if it work for you I'm happy. 💋
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/09/09 at 05:51 AM
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