Professor Music’s Weird Links

Send UGLY flowers.

This 'art' really performs!

If you postponed Filing on April 15th, these may come in handy in October.

We can create a custom urn in the image of your loved one, or favorite celebrity or hero.

We are followers of the One and Most Holy Jesus Shark.
He hath been born without sin, He hath Died for our sins, He will come again.

Our Jesus Shark
Who art in the Water
Hallowed be Thy teeth.
Thy dinner come
Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in the Ocean.
Bite us this day
As we are your bread.
And follow our scent trail
As we welcome Your biting love.
And lead us into Your welcoming jaws
But chew us swiftly and with much vigor.

For Thine is the Arm, and the Leg, and the meaty Torso for ever and ever.


     Posted By: Professor Music - Tue Aug 11, 2009

Tax Time They think this is going to cover their butts?
All products sold/designed/printed by are strictly for novelty & theatrical and stage use only.

Urns Mom paid $300 for a "specially designed urn" that dissolved in water for Pop. Turned out to be sun dried mud like we can get over here for $1 or less! Urns are good business!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/12/09 at 12:13 AM
Jesus Shark is definitely a joke page...I'm pretty sure Pastafarianism (a.k.a. the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) is a more serious religion.
Posted by venomlash on 08/12/09 at 05:50 PM
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