Professor Music’s Weird Links

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They are content with the fact that he or she has just been paid to do literally nothing but occupy space.

Finding gems like this gives Professor Music's life meaning and purpose: Angry people in local newspapers.
     Posted By: Professor Music - Thu Apr 22, 2010

i think they're cute. we've had bras for cars forever, why not mustaches? that way we can hear about some guy who considers himself gay because he falls in love with a male car and does its tail pipe.(remember that story?)

people in dc doin nothing and getting paid for it, there's a suprise. 😕

angry? try scary. did you see the mom who's suing the school because her kid got a cut? :shut:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/22/10 at 09:24 PM
i picture a line winding around and around in a building (up and down steps, through rooms ect...) then at the head of the line there's a door and when you open it and step through you are back at the end of the line. it would be called the second circle of hell. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/22/10 at 09:44 PM
Our new car's license plate starts with the letters "IOP" which, in Greek, spell Eeyore so the mustache thing is kind'a out. :down:
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 04/22/10 at 11:37 PM
My fiance has a huge man-crush on Magnum PI, so I'm going to get him one of those carstaches. :lol:
Posted by Nethie on 04/23/10 at 04:41 AM
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