Social Distancing Shoes

Created by Romanian shoemaker Grigore Lup. More info from

According to Lup, when two persons are wearing the shoes and facing each other, there will be 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) of distance between them. Each pair uses one square meter of leather — they can be fabricated in a number of colorways, with either rubber or leather soles — and it takes Lup two days to craft each style. On his website, he charges a minimum of 500 lei, or roughly $115, per pair, with prices going up for extra-long styles.

     Posted By: Alex - Fri Jun 05, 2020
     Category: Shoes

Clown shoes could save your life!
Posted by KDP on 06/05/20 at 09:47 AM
I'll have mine in wood, so they can double as slap sticks.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 06/05/20 at 09:51 AM
I'd be so scared of what women would expect after seeing my shoes were that big . . .
Posted by Phideaux on 06/05/20 at 11:16 AM
A new take on "Don't Tread On Me."
Posted by eddi on 06/06/20 at 11:31 PM
One: those people are not a meter and a half (for you colonials, that's six full feet!) apart.
Two: no. Just no.
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/07/20 at 08:15 AM
I thought the rule for you monarch-lovers was 2 meters, Richard. That's what Boris the Wise espouses. Sorry, but 1.5 meters is just 4.9 feet. Six feet amounts to 1.8 meters. If the rule has been fudged to 1.5 in your area, perhaps the Social Police need to be dispatched. We can send over some from the U.S.; we have more than we need.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 06/07/20 at 09:53 AM
Second thought: they're probably quite effective at social distancing! I know I'm not going to go anywhere near someone wearing them.
Posted by Phideaux on 06/07/20 at 10:00 AM
People will certainly get near enough to take a good picture.
Posted by ges on 06/07/20 at 03:26 PM
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