Star Wars Animated in 60 seconds

I need to watch this a bunch more so I can catch all the jokes -- like the "Do Not Litter" sign on the intake vent.

Tell me your favorite.
     Posted By: gdanea - Sat Apr 20, 2013
     Category: Movies

I read a parody of Lord of the Rings, many years back. I think it is worth checking out. The Wikipedia entry gives a good synopsis.
Posted by BMN on 04/20/13 at 09:46 PM
That was funny! I really got a kick out of it.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/21/13 at 09:51 AM
The bunny videos at are funnier.
Posted by jtolleridge on 04/21/13 at 11:22 AM
"The galaxy's in danger! Lets go kick some ass!" LOL!!!!
Posted by EvilSpaceLordMang on 04/22/13 at 11:43 AM
This captured the essence of he story. I remember one of my English professors at university playing a recording of a sixty second "Hamlet."

I have a paper copy of BOTR. I treasure it since it was my first exposure to the Harvard Lampoon group that would later go on to create the National Lampoon.
Posted by KDP on 04/22/13 at 03:41 PM
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