The Breathwork Explorer

the Breathwork Explorer offers a different multi-sensory experience. With this tool, you can take control over breathing exercises and greatly improve your meditation skills. You can see and hear each breath, perform guided breathing exercises and enjoy Light&Sound sessions.

via and Taras Young

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 25, 2012
     Category: Exercise and Fitness

Something smells fishy; I've tried to sniff out any scientific data on this device but I can't even find get a whiff of any.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/25/12 at 10:01 AM
Just listening to the right sounds alters your state of consciousness - see for how that works - and synchronized light and sound is hardly new. Breath control certainly helps with meditation, so, all in all, it ought to work. Now, if it just didn't look so goofy.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 07/25/12 at 10:23 AM
It looks like nothing more than a New Age snot catcher. Some people will buy anything if it has a computer attached to it.
Posted by KDP on 07/25/12 at 12:05 PM
Almost as freaky-looking as the Rejuvenique mask that Linda Evans used to pitch on TV infomercials:
Posted by Robert on 07/25/12 at 07:29 PM
You can do relaxation breathing without head gear and, to borrow a great phrase, a new age snot catcher. With the added advantage of not looking like an idiot.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/25/12 at 10:16 PM
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