The Chance to Lose

Every safe-driving video would be improved by the addition of a giant Chuck-a-luck cage such as we find here.

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Oct 16, 2008
     Category: Death | Games | Documentaries | Cars

Salamander Sam--you've never been known to try to outrace a train anyhow, I bet!
Posted by Paul on 10/16/08 at 03:56 PM
Or in the case of this video out run a movie of a train.
Posted by DC on 10/16/08 at 04:35 PM
The guy trying to outrun the movie of a train, with his maniacal smile, reminds me of how the people acted in "Reefer Madness" and "Cocaine Fiends". Now those were great flicks (if you were stoned outta your mind when you watched them).
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/17/08 at 07:42 AM
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