Urban transport of the future

"The nightmare of traffic jams. On a street in New York City, the postal clerk George A. Compton, immobilized with his car in a traffic jam, after an exasperating wait went berserk. He got out of the car and took off his shoes and started to climb the river of cars, leaping easily from car to car."

"Will cities be like this? Here's how the problem of traffic in cities could be lightened, if not completely solved: tiny single-seater cars that occupy a small area."

Source: La Domenica del Corriere - December 16, 1962 (via ebay)
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Sep 18, 2018
     Category: Mass Transit | Transportation | 1960s | Yesterday’s Tomorrows

Imagine taking a corner in one of these at speed.
Posted by crc on 09/18/18 at 08:14 AM
Give every New Yorker his own bumper car. Should be fun.
Posted by Virtual on 09/18/18 at 08:37 AM
Reminds me of those little plastic pods, with a toy inside, that you get out of a vending machine for a quarter.
Posted by KDP on 09/18/18 at 09:27 PM
Gotta love the hats! Especially that the artist thought to include a doffing gent, brilliant!

Unfortunately they could not predict the american obesity epidemic that followed shortly after this period.
Posted by Jessica Adam on 09/19/18 at 09:50 AM
I suspect the berserk postal clerk George A. Compton was fictional. At least the only references I could find to him were in relation to this picture.
Posted by ges on 09/19/18 at 11:19 PM
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