Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!

We here at Weird Universe were excited to learn that we were mentioned today on NPR's WAIT WAIT DON'T TELL ME. We figure this makes us celebrities (in our own minds). [Thanks to Scott Edelman for letting us know about our radio fame!]

The mention occurred during a segment in which they were quizzing TV psychologist Dr. Phil about fringe political candidates. Before the quiz, they noted that the info came from WU. You can listen to the broadcast here.

So welcome to any NPR listeners who first heard of us today. We're glad to have you with us.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Oct 05, 2008
     Category: Weird Universe

Alex, you offer welcome to NPR listeners without any disclaimers? Gutsy, dude, gutsy! :lol:
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/05/08 at 03:53 AM
Hope they all like horrible puns and laughing at other (stupid) peoples expenses! If so they're in for a real treat when we all get into commenting today 😊
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/06/08 at 08:25 AM
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