worry 081029

More Things to Worry About on Wednesday

Funeral, church service, body-viewing, 250 grieving guests, solemn automobile procession to the cemetery for the burial. All dignified-like. But someone should have double-checked ahead of time to make sure they had dug a hole. Palm Beach Post

Either terrible reporting by Reuters or a golf shot so bad even the Three Stooges couldn't pull it off. Reuters

Awesome inventive ingenuity on a Canadian Indian reservation: a "superjuice" much more powerful than booze (in fact, so powerful it continues to ferment in your stomach, keeping you drunk for days). Winnipeg Sun

Upper-middle-class, professional dad lets his 8-yr-old pull the trigger of a loaded, fully-automatic Micro Uzi at a Massachusetts gun show, and, well . . .. The Republican (Springfield) /// Boston Globe (update)

More scrap-metal-theft follies: worked for hours to saw loose a 700-lb. wrought-iron fence, but a recycler said it'd probably bring a penny a pound. KOVR-TV (Sacramento)

The latest from the crack ABC News medical reporters on some condition that you've got to be the unluckiest person in the entire world if you come down with it (this time: spontaneous bleeding through the pores). ABC News
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Oct 29, 2008

250 grieving guests - you don't want to be the first at a funeral to ask where the dead man's hole is.

golf shot - He must have been trying the Happy Gilmore.

"superjuice" - This could've really cut spring break cost for me years ago.

Micro Uzi - jackass dad deserves to have his ass in prison.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 08:02 AM
Micro Uzi - that's been all over the TV and radio up here the past few days. Public opinion seems to fault the guy (gun safetely officer I think) at the show for not stopping the kid. I don't really know all the details - try not to pay super close attention these things since they're depressing and there's nothing that can change it now anyway.
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 08:13 AM
superjuice - Well now that just doesn't sound like any fun. As opposed to the drinking us regular folks down here do, which is lots of fun.

spontaneous bleeding - That was on House last night, for a different reason though. Her parents named her Twinkle, wtf? I'm trying to think of some kind of woman/bleeding too much joke but it's just not coming to me. Too early for my nocturnal brain.
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 08:22 AM
grieving guests It always comes down to money, doesn't it?

Golf shot I think it's reasonable to expect any participant (even the audience) to be injured during any sport or athletic event. Or maybe that's just because I'm clumsy and actually fell out of my chair at work this morning....

Superjuice Next thing you know men will be slipping Superyeast into women's drinks to get laid.

Uzi I expect that kind of crap here in Texas where my 2 year old fires a gun, but not up north. Not up north.

Bleeding Jules - I watched that House last night, too. Very interesting!!
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/29/08 at 09:50 AM
Funeral Jeeze! 250 people and it's in southern Florida so everyone grab a handful already.

Golf Shot I did some caddying as a kid and regardless where you stand you're going to get hit some time. Law of averages.

Uzi Range officer was at fault here. The kid didn't expect the gun to raise up and no one was there to help him out.

Super Juice Gotta make that stuff illegal quick before it makes Bud obsolete.

Bleeding India, of course, where else. Twinkie???
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/29/08 at 10:21 AM
Super Juice - I love the way that sounds. I'm using it next time I'm about to hit the 'money shot'.

Look out!!! Here comes the Super Juice!!! Up...up...and..........away!
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 10:52 AM
we like to call it Awesome Sauce
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 11:03 AM
Golf Shot--

Wait a minute. The caddy spent weeks in the hospital? Just how hard was this stroke?
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 10/29/08 at 11:22 AM
Jules - So...you lika da sauce?
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 12:07 PM
Maxx - if my husband ever said "Look out!!! Here comes the Super Juice!!! Up...up...and..........away!" I'm afraid I would laugh at him....

And who DOESN'T like the sauce?
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/29/08 at 12:10 PM
Actually, can't say as though I'm a big fan of the sauce itself, however, and am a HUGE fan of the process of getting it out.
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 12:21 PM
Jules - I think it just depends on who PRODUCES the sauce.
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/29/08 at 12:22 PM
Big Gary pulling out the obscure reference, I like it!
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 12:23 PM
Gary - that was very tongue-in-cheek. Of COURSE she's not allowed to fire a gun!
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/29/08 at 12:36 PM
KW - If you think that is funny...you should see the little cape I'm making. Up...up...and away!!!

Besides I don't mind laughing while doing the deed. No need to be uptight...it's sex. I always try and make my wife laugh no matter what we do. I had a little sombrero once from a tequila bottle and...well...let's just say she ate the "worm".
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 12:46 PM
Maxx - Sex should ALWAYS be about fun but my hubby isn't really a talker or a moaner (he leaves that to me), so to hear him say anything at all would be a surprise, but to hear him say up up and away might be a little too much.
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/29/08 at 12:54 PM
So him doing a Chiquita Banana dance for you is out of the question? Damn, my wife is so lucky.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 01:02 PM
MM - Complete with costume & hat, or just the dance?
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 01:04 PM
Somebody get that guy a straight jacket 😉
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 10/29/08 at 01:16 PM
Jules - Sans costume & hat. I don't do the dance, just the voice. Only my little friend does the dancing.

KW - Ask him to try this one (it alsways makes my wife chuckle). He must recite a famous movie line right at the moment of...well, you know when I mean. Some of my favs are "Stella!!", "Houston, I think we have a problem", or "Julie Andrews!!".
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/29/08 at 01:18 PM
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