worry 081128

More Things to Worry About on Friday

China's Yingkou Donghua Trading Group lost $416m of investors' money so, naturally, the gov't bailed out the company . . uh . . wait . . no, actually, the gov't executed the chairman. Associated Press via San Francisco Chronicle

Planned Parenthood of Indiana announced it would sell $25 gift certificates for the holidays, redeemable for such services as contraception, breast exams, and STD screenings (and, yes, that other, uncontroversial thingy they do). WISH-TV (Indianapolis) via WAVY-TV

Current political-correctness wisdom: (1) California kindergarteners couldn't dress up as Indians and pilgrims for Thanksgiving; (2) The Carleton Univ. Students' Assn in Ottawa kicked "cystic fibrosis" off its list of charity-support recipients because almost all those afflicted are white males. Los Angeles Times /// Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

South Africa's National Intelligence Agency is allegedly shelling out $70k to hire 25 traditional healers to cleanse the agency of evil spirits [Ed., to Obama administration: Maybe . . .?] BBC News
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Nov 28, 2008

Hmm we should take a cue from China and start executing CEOs.
Posted by Caffeinated Katie in Atlanta, GA on 11/28/08 at 08:05 AM
I second that motion, Katie!

BTW, that should be "Native Americans".
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/28/08 at 09:07 AM
Yingkou Donghua - Awesome! I think that punishment would inspire our greedy CEO to give up their 6 figure bonus's in order to save the company.

political-correctness - well then by that same logic they can take malaria off their list too, to be fair
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 11/28/08 at 11:23 AM
I'm the last white man with a MOJO Hand. So, Where do I sign up for the "traditional healers" job? Bet they don't offer a health plan.
Posted by mumbley on 11/28/08 at 11:48 AM
I humbly apologize for the stupid actions of the Carleton University Students Association and the comments of the CUSA president. As a student doing (yet another) degree through there, I can tell you they are all very sorry and have issued an apology. The last bit I heard was that they would continue to support the original charitable cause. No, No! Not their own bank accounts, Cystic Fibrosis. They are very sorry that their small pea brains did not stop and re-think their decisions. Or is that they are all sorry they were found out to be morons of the lowest order?
agent j
Posted by agent j in Toronto, Canada on 11/28/08 at 12:08 PM
Yingkou Donghua - Now that's what the US gov't should have done!

Carleton - I read that in the newspapers yesterday (I live in Ottawa). I wondered if they realized that by trying not to be racist, they were in fact being racist?
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 11/28/08 at 02:11 PM
You think too highly of the human race Pilar Knickersoff. There will always be another slimeball ready to step in. We don't learn.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 11/30/08 at 10:18 PM
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