What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Bamboo Harvester
- Bart
- Buddy
- Crystal
- Jimmy
- Moose
- Orangey
- Pal
- Skippy
- Tai
- Terry
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- The rare mineral cuprorivaite
- Weathered copper-carbonate azurite
- Blood from the wounds of dragons locked in mortal combat with elephants
- Resin secreted from trees growing on the islands of Socotra and Sumatra
- Murex shell from the Eastern Mediterranean
- The rendered bodies of Egyptian mummies
- Scale insects that swarm on prickly-pear cacti
- Unripe buckthorn berries
- The urine of cattle who have eaten mango leaves
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Qoop
- Fairtilizer
- Ipipi
- Heekya
- Thoof
- Qriously
- Doostang
- Weebly
- Yoono
- Zlio
- Diigo
- Insala
- Jiglu
- Mzinga
- Oooooc
- ooVoo
- Sclipo
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- tar acid
- ammonia
- glycerin
- zinc sulphate
- seaweed
- banana paste
- citric acid
- lactic acid
- a pungent liquid dredged from the bottom of banana boats
- ox blood
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Kremlin
- Sputnik
- Victory of Kolkhoz
- White Sea Canal
- Red Moscow
- May 1
- Express
- Progress
- Take Off
- The 5th All-Union Day of Soviet Railroadmen
- Eighth of March
- Hero of the North
- Arctic
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- vagabonds
- discharged soldiers
- discharged jailbirds
- escaped galley slaves
- swindlers
- mountebanks
- lazzaroni
- pickpockets
- tricksters
- gamblers
- maquereaux [pimps]
- brothel keepers
- porters
- literati
- organ grinders
- ragpickers
- knife grinders
- tinkers
- beggars
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Stand-Up Bread
- Catfight
- Pinky Nude Sinner
- Truffle Tease
- Grandma
- Whipped Caviar
- Dissolved in Dreams
- Sexer
- Plum Zing
- French Fawn
- Cherries in the Snow
- Mousse Cafe
- Polyester Bride
- Asphyxia
- Drive Me Nude
- Fire Down Below
- Pervette
- But Officer
- Fatal Apple
- Raisin Hell
- Fluoride
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Analgesin
- 100% Pure Maple Syrup
- Blues Bonnet of Austin
- Chihuahua Show
- Direct Mail
- Electric Switch
- February
- Fill-er-up
- Fire Prevention Week
- Freeway
- Geiger Counter
- July Fourth
- Lobster
- Magnesium Lamp
- Negligee
- One for the Road
- Orchid
- Photoflash
- Potato Soup
- Standard Foods
- Texas Tomato
- Third Platoon
- United Dairies
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Adventurous
- Clever
- Crafty
- Cunning
- Deep
- Full of resources
- Ingenious
- Many-sided
- Much-versed
- Of many a turn
- Of many fortunes
- Of many wiles
- Of twists and turns
- Of wide-ranging spirit
- Prudent
- Restless
- Sagacious
- Shifty
- Skilled in all ways of contending
- Various-minded
- Versatile
- Wary and wise
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What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
- Fuzzy Pumper
- Count Creepyhead & Friends
- Doctor Drill 'n Fill
- Pumper No. 9
- Pinkie Pie Pretty Parlor
- Fix Me Up Doc
- Oddkins
- Barnyard Pals
- Press Outs
- Hunny Pumper
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