Camp Siegfried

I always wonder, when watching vintage movies from the 1930s and 1940s, about the preoccupation with Nazi spies and sympathizers in the USA. How justified were such fears? Pretty well justified, I guess, based on the video above, and this article.
     Posted By: Paul - Fri Feb 20, 2015
     Category: Spies and Secret Agents | 1930s | 1940s | North America

Amazing video. I live right outside Riverhead. We go every year to the Polish Festival. It's known as a big Polish enclave(dwindling now) but a lot of the street names always sounded more German:

"... Take the 1995 resolution in the Suffolk County Legislature to expunge the names of Yaphank streets named for Hitler and his lieutenants – long since changed – from all official records. Edward Romaine, Suffolk’s county clerk at the time, cautioned that it would be illegal to do so and the matter was dropped."

Apparently we also had a KKK presence up here, too.
Posted by S.Norman on 02/20/15 at 09:26 AM
Also, Operation Pastorius might have added to the fears. The Nazis did, after all, land at Montauk:
Posted by S.Norman on 02/20/15 at 09:35 AM
We could use a little more of that suspicion in the West today. Europe is starting to get the message but the US is still asleep.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/20/15 at 10:23 AM
Spying is a serious business. Be thankful that the Nazis didn't progress far enough to develop an atomic weapon. But it was not for lack of trying.

I'd rather be at Tommy's Holiday Camp.
Posted by KDP on 02/20/15 at 03:17 PM
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