Clarinet made from bones

When Signor Ubaldo Ubaldi, an Italian criminal, died in 1950, he left £12 in his will so that his bones could be polished and made into clarinet mouthpieces.

At least, that was widely reported at the time. I have doubts about the veracity of the story, though I can't disprove it either. I can't find any report that Ubaldi's last wishes were carried out.

Sydney Sun - Oct 19, 1950

Adelaide News - Nov 1, 1950
click to enlarge

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jan 06, 2025
     Category: Death | Inheritance and Wills | Music | 1950s

No idea what happened to his bones, but bone clarinets are a thing:

As someone who was once a certified bagpipe tuner, I question how the bones could be made into mouthpieces. You need something with a taper, and bones are hollow. You can have one or the other of those, not both without some esoteric technique.
Posted by Phideaux on 01/06/25 at 11:48 AM
You mean bagpipes can be in tune?
Posted by ges on 01/07/25 at 08:15 AM
Good one ges.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 01/07/25 at 11:44 AM
Given that the man is supposed to have died in Italy, but both references are from Australia... unfair dinkum, mate.
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/11/25 at 01:27 PM

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