Could It Be True?

A South Korean man claims his dog gave birth to a kitten with her litter of pups recently. Cute babies either way!
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jul 22, 2012

Awww! They are adorable whether this is a scam or not.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/22/12 at 02:14 AM
Sorry to be a meanie but it is biologically impossible. As in really for real not possible. All very cute regardless.
Posted by patsy on 07/22/12 at 05:11 AM
Well, considering the article doesn't even agree with itself as to whether the owner is a North Korean or a South Korean, I'm guessing there's not been a lot of rigorous fact checking going on here...
Posted by jswolf19 in Japan on 07/22/12 at 06:21 AM
I don't know, JS, if this story came out of N. Korea then it's just possible that Fearless Leader God-Person decreed it so just to show up the rest of the world. (What the @#$@@ is Fearless Leader's name anyhow?)
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/22/12 at 08:05 AM
Did anyone think that the maternal dog stole a kitten from a nearby litter? More to mother.
Posted by Judy on 07/22/12 at 10:12 AM
@Judy: No.... our minds tend to run to the less mundane explanations. 😝
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/22/12 at 12:32 PM
Of course it's true! They wouldn't have it in the newspaper if it weren't true. Besides, it's the Daily Mail. If you can't trust the Daily Mail who CAN you trust??? Next you'll be trying to tell me Elvis is dead.

-Cougar :{)
Posted by Cougar Allen on 07/22/12 at 02:53 PM
Using Occam's razor, it is obviously a puppy that just looks like a kitten.
Posted by BMN on 07/22/12 at 04:04 PM
Expat, He is Kim Jong Un, and apparently, the people have not yet picked a term of endearment for him. Remembering that grandpa Kim Il Sung was "Great Leader", and dad Kim Jong Il was "Dear Leader", it will be a careful choice. So for now, he is 'just' the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, and First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (per Wikipedia). Other titles are bound to follow. At 28, he is the world's youngest head of state, so there would appear to be time for all that. As for his affinity for mixed litters, it remains unknown. :coolsmirk:
Posted by done on 07/24/12 at 12:22 PM
@danny53: he is not the first born right? so can we rub that fact on his face? lol i've seen mommy dogs steal mommy cat's babies before...
Posted by wing_woman on 07/28/12 at 06:17 PM
Right, wingwoman - he's the third and youngest son of Dear Leader. Maybe his two older brothers were too busy diddling groupies in the back seats of daddy's fleet of Mercedes-Benz's to pay enough attention to their political history lessons.
Posted by done on 07/28/12 at 11:20 PM
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