Floatation Device?

A couple of geniuses in Australia decided to go rafting in flood waters. Instead of rafts though, they were using sex dolls. And, much as it is when using them for there intended purpose, they were very poor substitutes for the real thing. Picture is from Gawker.
     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jan 17, 2011

Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!
Patty used the "F" word!

@F.Bunny: Maybe we should apply for a $1M grant to study that.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/17/11 at 04:55 AM
sorry love,it just seemed to work there cuz of the double meaning. i'm a baaaaaad girl.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/17/11 at 07:08 AM
Can you say "baaaaaaaa" again... You've no idea what it does for me. :cheese:

Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/17/11 at 10:07 AM
thanks beverly i was too busy using dirty words to notice. guess that makes me an even baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaader girl :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/17/11 at 12:33 PM
You need to be VERY careful with sex dolls! I'm told even the SMALLEST prick will pop them like a balloon!! 🐛

P.S. Patty the F word is THE most versitile word in the english language!! :lol:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 01/17/11 at 01:41 PM
I still haven't heard whether the humans were fully clad. OTOH, they were riding "on" the dolls. Had there been any, um, oddness going on, someone, somewhere, would have said riding *in* the doll. Although I suspect that water was a tad too cool for that...
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 01/17/11 at 07:57 PM
💋 💋
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/17/11 at 11:57 PM
love you too expat!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/17/11 at 11:59 PM
Maybe the lambs would work better. Baaaaaaaaaa!
Posted by MNIceLady on 01/18/11 at 08:53 AM
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