Frances Baskerville - The Singing Psychic

Frances Baskerville (1944-2009) of Dallas, Texas was involved in an accident in which an 18-wheel lumber truck backed into her car, while she was waiting outside a beauty parlor. The lumber crashed through the roof of the car, almost killing her. But it also caused her to have an out-of-body experience, and after that experience, she said, she had psychic abilities.

Being a country-and-western fan, she chose to sing her predictions. For instance, in 1997 she appeared on the Howard Stern show where she sang her premonition that Patrick McNeill, who had disappeared outside a Manhattan bar, would be found 100 yards from his home in Port Chester, NY. (His body was eventually found floating near in pier in Brooklyn.)

Arthur Lyons and Marcello Truzzi gave this info about her in their book The Blue Sense: Psychic Detectives and Crime (1991):
Frances Baskerville, the "World's Only Singing Psychic," who heads the Baskerville Foundation for Psychical Research in Dallas, Texas, claims to be a licensed private detective specializing in finding lost children. In a recent letter to the authors, she credits herself with having found over "five hundred persons," although she regretfully states that she "only has the right" to name three, due to the fact that she neglected to get "release forms" from the other four hundred and ninety-seven. She also claims to work with attorneys in several states helping to select juries.

Baskerville released an album, Songs From the Beyond. You can listen to the full album at the WFMU blog. One song from that album is below. And elsewhere on the web, you can listen to an interview with Baskerville from when she appeared on the Judy Joy Jones Show.

     Posted By: Alex - Thu May 05, 2016
     Category: Music | Predictions

Country music psychic?--Can't be good news!
Posted by crc on 05/05/16 at 10:50 AM
Release the hounds!
Posted by BMN on 05/05/16 at 04:04 PM
Why did Billie Joe McAllister jump off the Tallahatchie Bridge? Can you tell me, Frances?
Posted by KDP on 05/05/16 at 05:37 PM
OK, so a song about the "truth" about the JFK assassination is a bit weird. But "The Vegetables Song" is beyond weird (and there's nothing psychic about it -- just talking vegetables bragging about their vitamins and what an honor it is to be eaten).
Posted by ges on 05/05/16 at 11:03 PM
@KDP: I've always thought it was a miscarried fetus.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/06/16 at 12:27 AM
Too bad she's no longer with us, maybe she could have told us if Ted Cruz's father was really the man on the grassy knoll.
Posted by Fritz G on 05/06/16 at 08:28 AM
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