gabriel dejesus

Catholic school principal throws it all away to have backyard sex romp
Gabriel De Jesus, 41, Greenburgh, N.Y., met two other guys and cavorted naked in the back yard of a vacant house on Sunday afternoon. The neighbors called police because of the trespassing aspect. One of the men got away by sprinting away through the 'hood. Yes, he was naked, but . . .. WCBS-TV (New York City)
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Jul 16, 2008
     Category: School | Sexuality

Oh, let them have their fun for crissakes.

At least no one involved was a minor.
Posted by MadCarlotta on 07/16/08 at 12:23 PM
Well that answers the question of why he just didn't have his orgy in his house then.

Still, it wouldn't be this serious if they were left to "have their fun". Straight people get caught having sex in public all the time without it turning into headline news. Usually it's not even an arrest, they just get a warning.

If he were caught with a minor, that would be a different matter, but these were adult men he was with. I file that under "none of my business". I am not his wife, so it doesn't bother me.

Given the fact that he is married with a family I say that he made a stupid, selfish decision. I do have sympathy for him though. Unless he has a swinging, open, bisexual marriage going on, then it seems to me that he is living a lie. I would put my money on Big Catholic Guilt.

Then again, if the Catholic church can sweep pedophile priests under the rug, surely they can overlook a gay educator who is having trouble coming to terms with his sexuality, no?
Posted by MadCarlotta on 07/19/08 at 05:54 PM
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