Parking Garage Dining

A sign of the times: Searching for ways to allow more distance between diners, the Glendale Galleria mall in SoCal decided to open an eating area in the parking garage.

It definitely has a certain ambiance.

More info: NBC LA, twitter

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Aug 01, 2020
     Category: Restaurants

No problemo with the carbon monoxide, since it's odorless and tasteless.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 08/01/20 at 11:54 AM
So where will today's Deep Throats meet up with investigative reporters?
Posted by Phred22 on 08/01/20 at 08:35 PM
When smoking indoors was banned in the 80's management set up a smoking lounge on the unused bottom level 4 of the underground garage. Found a smoker on the first level who said it was too smoky on the lounge even though the fans were going for car exhaust. Many companies made attempts at office smoking lounges, but they were hated for the same reason.
Posted by Techs on 08/02/20 at 06:28 AM
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