Hairdresser in a glass coffin

Celebrity hairstylist Antoine de Paris used to sleep in a glass coffin, which he claimed he would one day be buried in. He died in 1976, and whether he actually was buried in the glass coffin I haven't been able to find out.

Info from Logan Sisley:

Antoni "Antek" Cierplikowski was born in Poland in 1884 but made his name in Paris as Monsieur Antoine, hair stylist to the stars. In 1924 he purchased the top four floors of a Parisian apartment building which he set about remodelling as a School of Beauty and an apartment with sculpture studio. Construction of The House of Glass began in 1929. It occupied the upper floors of the building and contained the studio and living quarters. Glass was supplied by St Gobain, of whom Antoine claimed at one time to be the biggest client. The external walls were clad with large panes of opaque glass to eradicate the need for curtains, which Antoine believed had no place in the modern interior. The interiors were decorated extensively with glass including the staircase, a cupola, pillars, chairs and even a glass bed in the shape of a coffin, which attracted much press attention.

Dayton Daily News - Mar 25, 1932

"M. Antoine in the curious burial costume he has designed for his funeral"

From The San Francisco Examiner - Sep 25, 1932:

It is in the arrangements for his own funeral that Antoine's genius soars to its greatest height. In life, he surrounds himself with death, so in death he will be surrounded by sparkling life. He has engaged eight beautiful models to be his pall-bearers. They have agreed to be gay and sprightly and bright at his funeral, to shed no tears nor betray any sorrow. And, if he dies and they go through the ordeal successfully, they will be rewarded by provisions in his will.

But models die, get married, get fired, while Antoine continues to live. Always he must be replacing the original ones. He picks them out for their gaiety and their good looks.

More info: Polish Fashion Stories
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 15, 2022
     Category: Death | Fashion | Furniture

Will glass coffins ever be popular? Remains to be seen.
Posted by Phideaux on 03/15/22 at 06:42 AM
If I hadn't died already....
Posted by John on 03/15/22 at 11:29 AM
Of corpse they will be popular, Phideaux. They are the clear choice for loved ones, and they're perfect for burial at see. However, to be dead serious, you should probably temper your expectations, because there can be much pane.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/15/22 at 10:46 PM
The picture of Antoine in the glass bed is mine. Please sign or delete.
Posted by Marta Orzeszyna on 03/16/22 at 10:16 AM
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