Jim Cripps, the Backwards Bowler

He was just a run-of-the-mill talented bowler, until he started bowling backwards. Now he's famous. (famous among bowlers, at least.) Check out his website.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Feb 11, 2013
     Category: Sports

Two thoughts, most bowling alleys forbid lofting because it damages the lanes and it will only take one bad throw to f#%k up his back in a big way.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 02/11/13 at 10:53 AM
I think that he's really a closet left-hander.

"Hire a lefty. It's fun to watch them write." Or bowl.
Posted by KDP on 02/11/13 at 02:41 PM
Lefty's make better bowlers anyhow! Their side of the lane stays more consistent due to way less traffic.

@Patty: If those were the "open bowling lanes" then loft away.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 02/11/13 at 11:15 PM
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