Major Mudd

Major Mudd, one of the TV heroes of my youth.

Any WU-vies want to share memories of their own lesser-known regional TV icons?

     Posted By: Paul - Wed Nov 20, 2013
     Category: Regionalism | Spaceflight, Astronautics, and Astronomy | Television | Children | 1960s | 1970s

I Was A fan of Capt. Chesapeake, From Baltimore station WBFF.
Major Mudd looks like he was lots of fun to watch! :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 11/20/13 at 12:01 PM
New to me, Tyrusguy! Thanks!
Posted by Paul on 11/20/13 at 12:53 PM
@Paul, I used to see that clip and one like it in black and white, Two times a day. In the morning, and after school.
As to memories of Capt. C, I met him once. While at the marina where a friend kept his boat, I saw the Capt. park his car and get out and I ran up to him and introduced myself as his loyal crewmember!
When my friend came over to see where his helper had gone, I was surprised that he had never heard of Capt. C! I almost lost faith in him as a sailing instructor! How good could he be if he's never heard of the Capt.! :lol: George Lewis, The man who portrayed Capt. C was a Gentleman. Truly one of the best! He said that many a good sailor was to busy sailing to watch T.V. :lol: :coolsmile:
HERE Is an Interview with Capt. C!

Paul, I wonder how much T.V. influenced us growing up?
You watched Major Mudd science fiction guy and went on to write science fiction. I watched Capt. C and went on to be a sailor.
Things that make you go Hmmmm?? :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 11/20/13 at 02:21 PM
Bob Wilkins, host of "Creature Features", got his start in Sacramento in the mid 1960's and moved to a larger market in San Francisco and then back to Sacramento again for a local UHF station (when UHF broadcast was relatively new). The man knew EVERYONE in the horror movie industry and had them on as frequent guests. Wilkins looked like an accountant and had a razor sharp sardonic wit that he wasn't afraid to use when he made his comments about the movie during breaks. Think of him as a forerunner of the MST3K crew. In a non-PC manner he would start the live show with a huge 12 inch, 60 ring cigar that stayed lit through the end credits.

Cap'n Delta - Sacramento again. An afternoon kids and cartoon show with Mitch Agruss as the Cap'n. The thing that always bugged me was towards the end of the show run in the late 1960's was when the good Captain was replaced in the middle of the week without any warning. There on Tuesday, replaced on Wednesday. I lost interest in the show after that.
Posted by KDP on 11/20/13 at 02:46 PM
KDP--thanks for those excellent references.
Posted by Paul on 11/20/13 at 04:26 PM
Tyrusguy--good theory--but I also grew up on a sea captain show, Salty Brine!

Maybe Mudd just appealed more.

Relevant section at the 3-min mark below:
Posted by Paul on 11/20/13 at 04:26 PM
In 1971 our small local station had a "lumberjack" hosting a 2 hour show with cartoons and the 3 stooges etc. every Saturday at 4 O'clock. He was a local hippie with a beard, a toque and a plaid shirt. The set was sparse with the main feature being a stump he would sit on and he would sink his axe into it at the end of the show. It was live.

He also would hit the same bar we went to early Saturday afternoons. If he had tipped back several, we would race home to watch him. Aside from him almost falling of his stump, he also almost sunk the axe in his foot!
I think he lasted 4 shows.
Posted by BMN on 11/20/13 at 05:38 PM
Around my home town, back in the early daze of TV, we had a dude called Cactus Jim who invited kids onto his afternoon cartoon show. It was going pretty well until Jim, one day, was spotted on Main Street wearing his six-gun, hat, and boots. That's it, just the gun, hat and boots.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/21/13 at 06:51 AM
A local guy in my area was Barnaby. He would get the kids to come up to the tv by telling them 'come closer, closer, come real close, BLAHH!!' worked every time :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 11/21/13 at 10:42 PM
Visit the Major Mudd Facebook Group at
Posted by Ed McDonnell on 12/14/13 at 12:25 AM
TV sure has changed!

I enjoyed watching the antics of Major Mudd and the robot. Why wouldn't the magic eye work for the robot? Also, I really think 600 pounds of steel on Major Mudd's foot would take him out of commission. But, it's all in good fun.

In the event that anyone here might be interested, here are some science fiction and fantasy podcasts:
Posted by David Fleming on 12/18/13 at 05:33 PM
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