Mystery Illustration 74

This young lass is delighted to be offering an armful of potatoes to someone. Who and why? PS: They are not the product of her personal horticultural skills.

The answer is here.

And after the jump.

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Jul 17, 2018
     Category: Food | 1920s

Alex/Paul: No posting allowed for yesterday's Vegetable Orchestra ??
Posted by Virtual on 07/17/18 at 09:22 AM
Checking with Alex on this, Virtual! There is a field that establishes a cutoff date for comments that needs to be addressed.

Posted by Paul on 07/17/18 at 10:34 AM
How nice. A good cause charity and the kiddies get to watch a movie. I don't normally give to charities when they ask for money but I do make donations of foodstuffs - that way I know the charities aren't siphoning off money and giving squat to the people they purport to help. Anyone remember the United Way scandal from the early 1990s?
Posted by KDP on 07/17/18 at 07:17 PM
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