Oyster-Flavored Vodka

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Jan 20, 2022
     Category: Oceans and Maritime Pursuits | Alcohol | Nausea, Revulsion and Disgust

Oyster Ice Cream, Dolley Madison's Dessert Of Choice

By the second half of the 18th century, ice cream was becoming a beloved - if decadent - dessert. Without modern freezers, however, it was difficult to prepare and keep ice cream, though many notable early Americans did. It just took a massive ice house and a large enough staff to keep large chunks of frozen water around to maintain it. Thomas Jefferson and the Washingtons famously loved ice cream.

Some liked to experiment with different ice cream flavors. One such flavor: ice cream flavored with oysters, which Dolley Madison supposedly favored. She would churn up the "small, sweet" ones from the nearby Potomac River into a... unique after-dinner sweet.

Geo Washington loved Eel Pie and calf's foot jelly (aspic)

Posted by Russell on 01/21/22 at 07:20 PM
What an unpleasant surprise for those who drink vodka to get rid of the taste of oysters.
Posted by Yudith on 01/22/22 at 05:48 AM
@Yudith: or those who eat oysters to get rid of the taste of vodka.

Me, I like neither, so I'll pass all around. I'll have a scallop gin cheviche, please. (No, seriously. That's beautiful. Scallops and finely sliced shallots or red onions; gin and lime juice and zest. Lovely.)
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/22/22 at 08:54 AM
Russell, calf's foot jelly is still a thing among some Jews of Eastern European background. It's called p'tcha. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%27tcha
Posted by ges on 01/23/22 at 02:28 PM
@ges: after all, what else is gelatin?

And then, there's the Caribbean calf foot stew. Apparently (I have a recipe, but have never been able to procure a foot) rather tasty, even if not haute cuisine.
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/29/22 at 03:38 PM
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