The Pussy Cat Club

A 1970 report by the British news program Nationwide on a group of housewives who didn't believe in gender equality and thought their proper role was to pamper and serve their husbands.

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Mar 15, 2015
     Category: Wives | 1970s

So Alex is "jumping on the bandwagon" with me and Expat now. Hooray !!
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 03/15/15 at 10:39 AM
I am reminded of the old joke:
A man died and went to the 'Other Place'. Among his many faults, he believed he was god's gift to women. He arrived and was immediatly fawned over by a trio of lovely ladies.
~ The man says to satan "If this is my punishment, I should have sinned more".
~ Satan replies "You are THEIR punishment; your own will come later".
Posted by BMN on 03/15/15 at 11:13 AM
@BD & Alex: Finally!!!!

@BMN: I like the one with the punch line, "Break's over! Back on your heads"
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/15/15 at 11:38 AM
Classic party joke:

I had a dream in which (Friend One), (Friend Two), and (Friend Three) died in a tragic accident. As they stood before the Pearly Gates, St. Peter determined they weren't quite bad enough for eternal damnation and not quite good enough for immediate entry to heaven.

(Friend One) was put into a room where there was a large log. A door opened and in slithered a huge boa constrictor. It wrapped itself around the log and squeezed, reducing it to toothpicks. A booming voice said: "(Friend One), you have sinned. Your penance is to spend the first thousand years of eternity locked in this room with this snake."

(Friend Two) was put into a room where there was an old car. A door opened and in walked a huge, smelly, and very angry gorilla. It picked up the car, tore it in two, and then ripped the pieces to tiny shreds. A booming voice said: "(Friend Two), you have sinned. Your penance is to spend the first thousand years of eternity locked in this room with this beast."

(Friend Three) was put into a room where there was a large bed surrounded by mirrors. A door opened and in walked Raquel Welch. A booming voice said: "Raquel Welch, you have sinned. . ."
Posted by Phideaux on 03/15/15 at 02:33 PM
I think spouses should pamper and serve each other. That is what keeps the romance alive for both. It is lovely to be taken care of and it gives a lot of joy making the one you love feel cared for as well. BTW thanks BD and Mrs. BD, wonderful visit as always! We love you both.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/15/15 at 05:51 PM
It was nice to have you Patty and "what's his name?". BD is VERY worn out and tired 😜 :red: I think I need a vacation day tomorrow !
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 03/15/15 at 10:04 PM
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