Pussy Katnip




Gaze upon the horrific, accursed thing that is Pussy Katnip, and tremble in fear.


And what the hell is going on with these "doggy style" pals of hers?

I am unable to learn anything about the genius of "Len Short," her creator. If any WU-vie can help, please do not hesitate.

Original comic here.
     Posted By: Paul - Thu Sep 26, 2013
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Dreams and Nightmares | Freaks, Oddities, Quirks of Nature | Horror | Comics | 1940s

You can put anthropomorphized animals into situations that blue nosed old ladies would complain about if you put human characters into the same.

Here we have "Pussy" in a situation where she drinks a dose of brewed catnip to make her the smartest cat in the world so she can devise a plan to best her enemies. And check out the second title page: "Pussy" chasing dogs while wielding a whip. "Pussy-whipped"?

Definitely subversive material meant to corrupt the morals of American Youth. I call upon this committee to investigate these pinko traitors. This must be banned immediately!
Posted by KDP on 09/26/13 at 09:22 AM
Damn, KDP, you've ruined a funny little cartoon for me. Now I'll never, ever be able to read about Pussy again without my mind going into the gutter. :red:
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/26/13 at 09:37 AM
Your mind comes out of the gutter?!?!? 😜
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/26/13 at 08:09 PM
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