
Here we are, once again, my friends on the threshold of a new year. Aside from generalities like world peace what resolutions, if any, are each of you making this year? Share a bit of yourselves in extended. Please make all your celebrations fun and safe tonight, see you next year!
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Dec 31, 2013
     Category: Holidays

I am hoping to do better with my health issues and temper this coming year. Also wanted to say I so appreciate this site, I have made so many friends here. BD, Tyrusguy, Expat and so many others have brought joy to my life. And making it all possible; Paul, Alex and Chuck you guys are just the best, know you are loved.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/31/13 at 02:00 PM
My resolutions are to put up with Expat's positive attitude and "candy sweet" responses, to put a little more sexual inference and innuendo in my post replies, and stop thinking about Patty in my sex fantasy dreams, etc etc ......

More later.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 12/31/13 at 08:00 PM
Delighted to be part of WU, even simply as a reader and "commenter".
Love the weirdness and always appreciate the thoughtful comments.

My goal for 2014 -- to take 5 minutes each day to sit still and ponder all that I have to be grateful for.
Anyone can complain about problems, or what they "don't" have

I want to give a clear and consistent "thank you" to the universe every day in 2014.
Posted by girlgeniusNYC on 12/31/13 at 11:02 PM
I'll let Spike Jones speak for me. 😛

Happy New Year Ya Guys!
Posted by Captain DaFt on 01/01/14 at 12:12 AM
@Capt: Good one.

2014??? I resolve to continue to enjoy myself, the wife, and life in general. We've been fortunate and can now do the things we want to do, when we want to do them.

And I'd like to echo Patty's thanks to (in no particular order) Alex, Chuck, and Paul for, not only, creating & maintaining this site but for giving us all a forum to laugh, complain, and, occasionally, just go nuts. Thank you guys.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/01/14 at 12:58 AM
Resolutions? None, I know I'll break them faster if I do make them than if I don't.

(The captcha says "married" - I can guarantee that's not going to happen anyway...)

Have a happy 2014, and be weird to each other!
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/01/14 at 09:10 AM
Happy New Year to all here!

Great site! Great people! (Well, all except for that one person who's so paranoid they'll probably think I'm talking about them.)

I haven't made any resolutions yet because this is the time of year I switch to the Julian calendar for a few weeks so I can catch up on everything I promised to get done before the end of the year.
Posted by Phideaux on 01/01/14 at 10:22 AM
My resolution is to write 2014 instead of 2013 on things!
Posted by Blissfully Lost on 01/01/14 at 09:56 PM
That should keep you busy till Feb, at least.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/02/14 at 12:01 AM
Blissful: that's another one I keep better when I don't think about it than when I do. I dunno why, my brain is weird at times.
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/02/14 at 06:03 AM
I resolve to find better places to hide the bodies. The basement is full.

And to work harder on my art.
Posted by Cindy on 01/02/14 at 09:44 AM
Cindy? Are you by any chance the lost Brewster sister?
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/03/14 at 07:57 AM
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