The Scott Meadows Doomsday Club

The first rule of the Scott Meadows Club was that you couldn't reveal the location of the Scott Meadows Club. (But it was up in Siskiyou County, Northern California. Somewhere near to Kangaroo Lake Campground.)

The club opened in 1975, with membership costing $12,800 (around $75,000 in today's money), plus $300 annual dues.

The club had none of the amenities of a typical country club. Instead, it offered a place to retreat to in case of a national emergency such as nuclear war or economic collapse. Once all the members were secure inside the retreat, the road leading to it would be dynamited, preventing anyone else from getting in.

I'm not sure if the club still exists. But then, if it does they wouldn't want us to know.

Approximate location of the Scott Meadows Club

Sacramento Bee - May 14, 1975
click to enlarge

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jan 08, 2025
     Category: Armageddon and Apocalypses | Clubs, Fraternities and Other Self-selecting Organizations | 1970s

Let's egg them on. Create a panic, get them all to go there, watch them dynamite the road - and then never let them repair it again!
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/11/25 at 01:16 PM

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