Sentenced to watch Bambi

Four members of a southwest Missouri family have been caught in a multi-year poaching case where authorities say hundreds of deer were killed illegally...
The case was so egregious that Lawrence County Judge Robert George ordered a special addition to the jail time one of the poachers received.
Court records show the defendant "is to view the Walt Disney movie Bambi, with the first viewing being on or before December 23, 2018, and at least one such viewing each month thereafter, during Defendants incarceration in the Lawrence County Jail."

Source: Springfield News-Leader

Hasn't the judge seen A Clockwork Orange? For behavioral change, the guy should have been sentenced to watch Bambi constantly with his eyelids held open.

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 19, 2018
     Category: Law | Judges | Movies

Cruel and unusual cuteness
Posted by crc on 12/19/18 at 06:48 AM
And when he's released from prison, he will probably want to view this:
Posted by KDP on 12/19/18 at 02:29 PM
This came up as a suggestion:
Posted by BMN on 12/19/18 at 02:46 PM
How many months sentenced might be a fact of interest. At least some guards get a change of scenery from the usual "what they watch".
Posted by John on 12/20/18 at 09:21 AM
He's trying to arrange for this version to be smuggled in:
Posted by Virtual on 12/21/18 at 10:30 AM
Dunno. If that were me, it'd only make me want to kill more of the cutesy b&*@&*#rds.
Posted by Richard Bos on 12/22/18 at 04:04 AM
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