The Kids from C.A.P.E.R.

     Posted By: Paul - Sat Aug 31, 2024
     Category: Ineptness, Crudity, Talentlessness, Kitsch, and Bad Art | Music | Television | Homages, Pastiches, Tributes and Borrowings | 1970s | Comedians

And I thought the Monkees were weird.
Posted by eddi on 09/01/24 at 04:12 AM
During my family's yearish long stay in your fair nation, I used to watch this and Monster Squad (and the Schoolhouse Rock things) on a Saturday morning. I particularly liked Mr Featherstone, their pet shark, and the way one of the crew could be made to go berserker mode if you said the word "bananas" to him (similar to a joke that showed up later in Steve Martin's Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid).
Posted by Weaver on 09/01/24 at 05:36 AM
"Could I be your Reinemachefrau?"
"Ya, you could , you could be zat."
"What's that? What is it?"
"Tell him what it means--Reinemachefrau."
"Reinemachefrau! It means she could be woman."
Posted by Brewvet on 09/03/24 at 06:44 AM

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