Trapeze Artist Swallows Watch

"About a week ago Miss Nichols missed her watch. Since she occasionally places valuables in her mouth at night for safe keeping, she feared she might have swallowed the timepiece."

I'm sure Miss Tarzana Nichols really went to the hospital, but I'd be willing to bet that the reason she went was just a stunt to get her name in the papers. Free publicity for her act.

Kansas City Star - Oct 11, 1934

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Oct 07, 2021
     Category: Publicity Stunts | 1930s

“Place valuables in her mouth for safekeeping”?

How crazy is that?
Posted by Judy on 10/07/21 at 08:57 AM
Well, if she had swallowed her watch, it would have come all right in the end. (Remember that John Cameron Swayze always said, "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.")
Posted by KDP on 10/07/21 at 01:22 PM
Maybe she got the habit after she put the family jewels in her mouth.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 10/08/21 at 06:23 AM
I know an old woman who swallowed a watch - top notch, to swallow a watch!
Posted by Richard Bos on 10/09/21 at 05:32 AM
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