Typical reactions of typical American women to feeling A-bomb blast

May 1955: Seven "typical American women" crouched in a trench 3500 yards from an atomic-bomb test in the Nevada desert. They did it to "demonstrate to other women that civilians can survive an atomic blast, if they take proper precautions."

The best reaction to the blast came from Mrs. Grace Doebler of Tucson, Ariz.: "I'd like to do it again, with a bigger one."

Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin - May 5, 1955

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 04, 2024
     Category: Atomic Power and Other Nuclear Matters | 1950s | Women

"Gee Mom, can I watch an A-bomb blast too ?"
"Of course Billy, it´s perfectly safe as long as you´re careful and crouch under your desk"
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 12/04/24 at 11:40 AM
Somebody should do a follow up on this, seeing how long they lived and what they died of.
Posted by ges on 12/04/24 at 01:59 PM
@ges: and what effect it had on their unborn children.
Posted by Richard Bos on 12/07/24 at 07:18 AM

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