Wine On Tap

In 1953, the Hotel Terminus in Dijon, France upgraded its amenities to include free red and white wine on tap in every room.

If this hotel is still around, I can't find any evidence of it online.

The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania) - Jan 7, 1954

St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Dec 30, 1953

Update — relevant meme:

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jun 13, 2016
     Category: Hotels | 1950s

Now there's a time saver. You only have to work on getting the the object of your lust up to your room with the promise of drinks without spending time at the bar.
Posted by KDP on 06/13/16 at 05:45 PM
Now that's a vacation spot!!!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/13/16 at 06:55 PM
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