worry 081105

More Things to Worry About on Wednesday

A priest and two age-80-ish nuns, of the Disciples of Santa Teresa and the Baby Jesus in southern Italy (which owns a building in town), were accused by the tenant of shaking him down, Mafia-like (a priestly chair-shot and some nunly kicks). Daily Telegraph (London)

Sticking $20's into a dancer's garter will surely cause the dancer to remember your face, which will be bad if you're on the run for counterfeiting those $20's. Jersey Journal

Half the Eastern Europeans who flocked to Britain to work during the boom, and then returned home, are continuing to bask in British money, i.e., still receiving British out-of-work benefits. Daily Mail

A winner was selected among pedigreed goats for the "most beautiful" contest, in Riyadh. Reuters via Yahoo /// Metro.uk [photo of the winner]

Today's Newsrangers: Joe Church, Candy Clouston
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Nov 05, 2008

Shakedown And mother church doing a shakedown is weird or unusual because it was old dudes doing the deed?

Fake $20s If women fake orgasms all the time what's the big deal about some guy faking a $20 tip? :lol:

UK benefits I visited a friend there once. He quit his job for the week I was going to be in town. Picked up his unemployment check and went back to work the day after I left! Socialism at it's finest.

Beautiful Goat Well, what do you expect?!? Ya' get stoned for having sex with a female. Or is that just for her?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 11/05/08 at 10:03 AM
Shakedown- I am Appalled that this untruth is even printed. The Catholic Church and Violence...NEVER. We have never had any History of Violent acts towards others in the Church.
Posted by avmayes614 in the wt"F"-State on 11/05/08 at 10:30 AM
Fake $20's - Didn't that used to be the "Naval Base"? (for my jersey Peeps) No Harm No Fowl: The Dancers pretend to like you for the money, so lets pretend to give them real money.
Posted by avmayes614 in the wt"F"-State on 11/05/08 at 10:39 AM
That... is the most beautiful goat I have ever seen.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 11/05/08 at 11:57 AM
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