worry 081216

More Things to Worry About on Tuesday

The sour economy hits Las Vegas hookers, but only the mid-rangers (not streetwalkers or top-shelvers) because, in economists' lingo, the business is a "Giffen good," and if you lower price, you bring on sleazier clients. Las Vegas Sun

Mayor Blanca Figueroa of South El Monte (a Los Angeles suburb) prefers the quiet of late night to get her office work done, but she's feuding with the city council, which has just retaliated by locking city hall at 11 p.m. and taking the mayor's key away. Seriously. New York Times

Kidnaped (probably for ransom) in Saltillo, Mex.: Felix Batista, 55, one of Latin America's foremost consultants on how to deal with kidnaping for ransom. New York Times

Sonia Ringoir, 31, was charged with selling her newborn twins to get money for liposuction, but she indignantly denied it, pointing out that she actually gave the babies away for free. The Sunday Times (London) via Fox News
     Posted By: Chuck - Tue Dec 16, 2008

Kidnaped No.... Just our spellcheckers going wacko! Anyhow, one could say this is just OJT for Felix. (OJT = On the Job Training)
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/16/08 at 09:12 AM
Isn't Ironic, Don't ya think?
A little too Ironic
It's Like rain on your Wedding day. It's a Free Ride when you've already Paid.
It's like being KIDNAPPED when you are trying to NEGOTIATE.
Who would've thought ....it figures
Posted by avmayes614 in the wt"F"-State on 12/16/08 at 03:17 PM
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