A Broken Toilet, Forgetful People, Breathalyzers in Parliament

and the Afternoon Edition of Chuck's News of the Weird Daily for Friday, December 5, 2008

Chris Woodruff, 22, busted already three times for no car insurance, printed up his own policy all official-looking and mostly fooled the cop (except for its expiration date, February 31). Daily Telegraph (London)

The famous patient "H.M." died at a nursing home at age 82, the fella with "profound amnesia," meaning not only that he recalled only a couple of sketchy things from early in his life but that he had lost the ability to form new memories (sorta like Drew Barrymore in "50 First Dates"). New York Times

There's also "toxic epidermal necrolysis," which can be caught from ordinary medications (like ibuprofen, for instance), yet can result in the outer layer of skin separating from the body, and as with this Newfoundland girl, survival is touch and go. St. John's Telegram via Vancouver Sun

Several Aussie Members of Parliament demand breathalyzer testing of MP's before votes (if we have them for "people driving cranes [we] should have [them] for people writing laws"). Agence France-Presse via Yahoo

"It's not a 'second chance.' It's more like a 22nd chance." (That was a teacher's union official in Grand Rapids, Mich., complaining about a proposal that would give most high school students who actually earn "F" grades on a course to get an "H" instead and thus have the option of a second bite at the course in summer school with no H or F on the record [unless, presumably, they fail in the summer, which would be, maybe, a "K" and then . . ah, never mind]. WOOD-TV (Grand Rapids)

Carla Maldonado, the 40-yr-old wife of David Maldonado, was arrested when their DVD collection turned up images of Carla servicing dogs (with mugshot [of Carla, not a dog . . I think]). WTSP-TV (St. Petersburg)

Recurring Theme: Toilets break, users fall in the bowl, hurt themselves, sue. Associated Press via Yahoo

Professor Music's Weird Link o' the Day
Speaking of the renewable-amnesia guy (above) and the woman whose disease trashed 3/4 of her outer layer of skin (above): ABC's crack Health unit has a handy list of 10 Baffling Medical Conditions, ranging from the fairly familiar (Foreign Accent Syndrome and Music-Induced Seizures) to the, well, baffling (can't open your eyes for 3 days at a time, can't ever forget anything). [Capital punishment, though, for the ABC webmaster, 'cause it's a mothercheneying "slideshow."] ABC News

Today's Newsrangers: Gary Davidson, Mindy Cohen, Billy Ray, H.Thompson, Mark Neunder, Gil Nelson, Karl Olson, Gary Goldberg,
Yesterday's Newsrangers: Rick Duff, Dave Abdoo, Kurt Knochel, Perry Levin, John Holsinger

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     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Dec 05, 2008

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