A case of hypervaccination

The Lancet reports on the case of a 62-year-old German man who received 217 Covid vaccinations over a period of 29 months. That works out to getting vaccinated approximately every four days.

When I got the Covid vaccine I felt for a day like I'd been run over by a truck. The German hypervaccinator, on the other hand, felt no vaccine-related side effects.

Presumably the guy thought that all the vaccinations would give him super-immunity. When medical professionals realized what he had done, however, they were more worried that the opposite would happen — that he would build up "immune tolerance" and be more susceptible to Covid, not less. But when they checked him out, he seemed just fine.

More info: arstechnica.com
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Mar 07, 2024
     Category: Medicine

My first shot, I felt flu-ey for a day. My second, just a small bruise on my arm, as you'd expect from any injection. My third, nothing.

What pisses me off most is that I've had three of them now, and my telephone still doesn't do 5G as the MAGAhatters promised.
Posted by Richard Bos on 03/09/24 at 07:32 AM
Instead of taking the same vaccine again and again, he should collect all existing vaccines. Apparently, the human body can support 100 000 vaccines. Imagine a guy who is immune to every disease ever, and who has enough vacation to go to every place where those diseases are found. Just for fun. That would be the ultimate German.
Posted by Yudith on 03/09/24 at 07:53 AM

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