Billboard Uproar

St. Matthew-in-the-City Church in New Zealand is responsible for the controversial billboard in the above picture. A sad Joseph and Mary in bed with the caption "Poor Joseph, God is a hard act to follow." A spokesperson for the Anglican St. Matthews says the billboard was meant to poke fun with a too literal idea of Jesus' conception. Predictably other religious groups are up in arms. The Catholic church, of course, finds the billboard disrespectful as does Families First, a family values group. The billboard was defaced with paint soon after it was put up.
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Dec 18, 2009

i'll admit it makes me just a little uncomfortable. i was quite suprised that a church sponsored it too. not suprising that it upset the catholic church either.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/19/09 at 12:01 AM
I find it funny and I'm sure it was only meant to produce a few chuckles, rather than such controversy.
Posted by Nethie on 12/19/09 at 01:08 AM
'he hath loosed the faithful lightning of his terrible swift sword.' :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/19/09 at 08:27 PM
wayne, where did you get the idea that the catholic church preaches tolerance? they preach 'our way or hell fire!' thus the old joke-

a prodestant dies and goes to heaven. st. peter shows him around and eventually they come to a wall. the man turns to st. peter and says, 'this is heaven, i thought there would be no walls here.' st. peter replies, 'shh, the catholics are over there, they think they are the only ones up here.'
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/21/09 at 02:27 PM
i thought of you when i saw this df! is it anywhere near you? i thought is was funny anyway.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/09/10 at 10:42 PM
true enough df. but that also makes you my favorite kiwi as well. 😉 old churches are beautiful.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/10/10 at 04:20 AM
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