Clutch Cargo in “Pipeline to Danger”

Clutch gets involved with the Saudis!

The IIMDB page.

     Posted By: Paul - Sat Nov 09, 2019
     Category: Annoying Things | Ineptness, Crudity, Talentlessness, Kitsch, and Bad Art | Diplomacy and Foreign Relations | Surrealism | Cartoons | 1950s

Clutch Cargo was an aberration as far as most cartoons go. Even at the age of six or so, I was not a fan because, compared to most any other cartoon offering on Saturday mornings, that thing with the human lips imposed on the static drawings was just too weird, even by kid-vid standards. Among my friends we called it "Clutch Narco, and his friends Swirley and Clubfoot."

I also wondered why there was never a shot of the dog barking with a dog mouth superimposed on the drawings. Or maybe I'm overthinking it ...
Posted by KDP on 11/09/19 at 05:54 PM
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